Tuesday, 18 November 2008

Richmond - Keavy (November 15)

Day 62

Two families lost a beloved pet today, as I saw two dead dogs by the roadside. Added up I must have seen thousands of cadavers along this trip. I wonder how many millions are slain every year by the motor car? And where is the animal resistance? Even if a couple of vehicles could be taken out it would be something. Rain for most of the day and pretty cold too, but as I've said before, my gloves aren't waterproof, so my hands were soon numb. I tried to pull the cagoule sleeves over my hands a bit, but could only manage one at a time. I know my diet has flaws and I do try to get more fruit and veg, honest I do; yet on the road there aren't any shops that sell perishable items, unless you come across a fair-sized town with a grocery store. Chocolate is much easier to come by and although it doesn't do me much good, it sure hits the spot. A lot poorer in this southern stretch of Kentucky, where I noticed many tatty trailers the size of motor homes. A lot meaner too, if the shouting and honking were anything to go by. One woman slowed down to my speed and reached across to wind down the passenger seat window, just so she could take issue with me. She squeaked something I couldn't make out, but I made sure she clearly heard what was on my mind. I really believe that some drivers feel that cyclists have no place on any road. Expletives aside, I reached 4,000 miles on this, the two month mark since leaving Glasgow. There's another Glasgow here in Kentucky, as well as a London and Manchester. It felt like I was home and dry - even soaked to the skin – as I was sure there wasn't another thousand to be covered.

Another difficult address to locate tonight, in the rain and pitch black country roads. Had to ring a doorbell to ask for help, where the occupants were not only able to direct me – they knew my Warm Showers' hosts. Tom came out looking for me too and ushered me down to the end of the cul de sac where he lived, which he had renamed in honour of himself! He and his wife, Becky, had built their pretty house twenty years ago on several acres of secluded woodland. Tom had lived in Suffolk for two years in the 70s, whilst in the air force, but now excavated gas locally. His wife, who was out for the night, worked for a phone company and part of her job was to climb up telegraph poles! Becky had prepared a mouthwatering lasagna in advance (made with cottage cheese mixed in with the beef) and also baked Boston Cream Cake, which consisted of sponge, custard filling and chocolate icing.

After this fine feast we repaired to the gentlemen's basement for pool (Tom kicked my ass) and Scrabble (I kicked his arse). With both blanks it wasn't difficult to play GROUPING and as Tom didn't know the two letter word list, he was at a disadvantage. What an amazing room, with a roaring fire that heated the whole house, stuffed animal heads, pelts, fish in acrobatic poses, fishing paraphernalia, old metal signs, etc. The toilet paper in the restroom sat in a fishing net and each of the restrooms had telephones by the toilets!

A few flakes of snow were falling en route to another Cracker Barrel breakfast in the morning, followed by a tour of the locality, including Colonel Saunders original restaurant in the town of Corbin, and then I was introduced to Tom's boisterous boxer dogs, Jeep and Bowser.

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