Saturday, 13 December 2008


I'm at my Mum's house in Caterham, Surrey, 20 miles south of London, for a few days. She plays Scrabble too. Last night I scored 543 - my highest ever total in a two player game – to my Mum's 269. I made three bingos (INDOORS/SCOP, AERIALS, WAISTED) and also scored 53 for QUIT/GI/AT with the Q on a double letter and the word doubled. I picked up all 4 Ss, as well as one blank, Z, Q & J.

Talking of the golden game, a couple of days ago I was in a London pub, where I happened upon a young couple hard at it. They were down to their last few tiles and only a few points separated them. I asked who had played the bingo (the rather nice DIVISIVE). The young woman declared it was hers, but asked me what I meant by a bingo. They didn't seem to know the rules very well, as she hadn't added a 50 point bonus to her score. This meant that her male counterpart couldn't catch up. I shouldn't have got involved...

(Will write a lengthy post next week.)


imkeefegps said...

And when you were at Mum's house you were beaten into second place by Graham in a four-handed game!

Adrian said...

Yeah, alright. He did get both the blanks though.