Monday, 5 January 2009

Happy New Year

(I STILL haven’t put the photos on a photo-sharing site yet, but will let you know when and where you can see them.)

Here’s the follow-up article from Scotland’s Sunday Post, in which that very nice man, Euan Duguid once again did a fantastic job. Apologies for the lack of clarity in the scanning.


Melissa said...

Thank you so much for the Christmas card, Adrian! Nate and I were delighted that you thought of us Idahoans.


Adrian said...

You're very welcome Melissa.

I've stuck a postcard on the wall in my kitchen with a dog licking dirty dishes entitled 'Idaho automatic dishwasher'!

Bjjohan39 said...

How terrific your pictures and your blog are! Thank you for sharing them. While Eila and I in SW Wisconsin weren't among the lucky ones to see you on this journey, it's good to see that lots of other people were, and it looks like you had a good time. Without even reading your bio, it was obvious that you liked food and cats -- and people! I look forward to reading more and seeing more pics in the future.

If you're planning another trip and Wisconsin is in your path, we would welcome you. But better hurry up; Eila is almost 96! She consistently whomps me at Scrabble, however, so she's no dotty little old lady. She shows no mercy!

Thanks again for sharing; I hope a book deal works out for you soon.

Adrian said...

Thanks a lot Beverly.

If I did cross the States again, Wisconsin might very well be on my route, as I would probably go from San Diego to Maine.